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Six Ways To Create Income With Your Web Site 
By: Charles & Susan Truett

Here are six simple ways to create additional income with your web site!

1. Sell advertising space on your web site. You could sell banner or classified ads. If you want to make more money, sell sponser ads that get top placement or the best exposure.

2. If you have enough web space, you could rent other people web pages. You could also give them away for fr~e and make money by including your banner ad on the web pages.

3. Charge people a fee to access part of your web site. People will pay you money for your web site content if it's valuable to them. The content can be ebooks, reports, software, etc.

4. Sell your own products or services. They should be related to your target audience. You want to be able totake credit cards on your site and deliver your product to them as fast as possible.

5. Make money selling other people's products and services through affiliate programs.They'll give you a link to all track your sales. You could be paid per sale, click or sign-up.

6. Publish an ezine from your web site. Have them subscribe to the ezine right from your web site. You could sell classified or sponsor advertising inside your ezine.


Charles & Susan Truett are full-time Internet Marketers who successfully built an online business and now work full-time from the comfort of their home. Find out their Secrets to Success by subscribing to "Partners in Success" Ezine. "Each issue packed with marketing tips, hints, articles, inside information, freebies and MORE!" Get the highly acclaimed ezine today! To subscribe visit:


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